All through Jr High and High School, the majority of my friends were female. As a result, I've seen just about every chick flick out there, have helped make flower arrangements, learned to dance, etc. I did decide, however, that there would be some things I would never participate in, just to hold on to some semblance of masculinity.
These things include reading/watching the Twilight series, any kind of "product party", and my biggest holdout of all, Pride and Prejudice.
What is it with P&P? I have never met a girl who didn't love that crap. And it's long. I know girls who would plan a P&P party where they'd watch the 77.5-hour-long PBS version of the thing.
Well, Joel just brought this to my attention.
It may be time to lower the ban.
Cat Nap
5 years ago
I know! I've been waiting on the list at the library for this book for ages. I think I'm like 15 people away. I could, of course, just pick one up at Target, but what if it's crap?
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