Maybe you have noticed that I have an over-fondness of using the ellipsis (... to you non-English majors) in my typing. I don't know why this is. I think it might have to do with the fact that I wish I could have better comedic timing when I talk, and the ellipsis is my way of trying to provide those pauses.
It's quite funny to me, actually. I can't stand it when people don't use punctuation (text messages and IM aside), but it's rather humorous (in a sad way) when people over-use it, too. There are those who use too many exclamation points or question marks: "I'm here!!" "Where???"
and then there r those idiots all over the internet who dont use ne punctuation at all and dont no the difference between words so your going insane when trying to read there typing.
Sorry about that, but it's the kind of typing I have to deal with all the time. Try deciphering that everyday. Yuck.
Anyway, I suppose we all have things in the written English language that we feel everyone MUST subscribe to, and things that we let slip because it is "no big deal". What are some of your writing rules?
Cat Nap
5 years ago
I'm afraid to use the word "hopefully" because it means "full of hope," according to grammar teachers. So saying "Hopefully I'll get the job" isn't grammatically correct. Instead, we should say, "I'm hopeful that I'll get the job." Whatever.
My grandma had a fondness for "..." I smile when I read her writings. It was her way of pausing....or added a side note....and I love her all the more for it! :)
YoU MuST bE in ChAtrOomS wIth 13 yEaR Old gIrLS cUz tHEy arE thE oNlY peOPle wHO tYPe lIkE tHat WiTHouT pUnctUatiON aNd stUFf I hAtE IT 2 iTs SoOoO rEtArDeAd i wAnT tO pUnCH pEOplE wHo tYpe LikE tHat iN tHe stOmach oR maYBe iN tHeRE eAr I meAn CMon!! DoNT yOu noW eNgLish??
p.s. that was really hard to do.
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