    Your occasional dose of cynicism and randomness.


Well, so far, the Binary License Plate is in the lead, but there are 2 more days to vote, so If you pay any attention to this thing, give me a hand, will ya?

I think I might also post another poll... about Racing stripes.

Isn't it sad that I don't have anything to post about besides my car?


Joel said...

Well, I can think of one thing more pathetic than posting about your car: posting about posting about your car...

davecharliebrown said...

Yes, it is pathetic.

Wait, was that a poll question?

JonAli said...

hmm, I did not get a chance to vote, but I would have to go with 1001010.

Unknown said...

Why are you resisting the binary? Give the people what they want!!!

(jim actually wrote this but Marie feels the same way)