    Your occasional dose of cynicism and randomness.

I'm offended...

Many of you have seen my shirt that says: "I'm offended... I'm a BYU student" (If you haven't seen it, I have a shirt that says "I'm offended... I'm a BYU student, FYI)

It's really getting pathetic how we are offended by everything around us. (It offends me that we're so sensitive) Making matters worse are the people who are being denied the right to share their opinions because of it.

Apparrently, we're no longer allowed to fly American flags in our own country anymore. We can't show anyone who isn't white as working-class. And now there's this:

This is supposedly offensive to undocumented workers. (We have to call them undocumented workers because it's offensive to point out that they're breaking the law of the land by calling them 'Illegal Immigrants')

Ok, I admit that I can be an insensitive prick and a right-wing nut, but really? Are Mexicans Hispanics People born south of the border of the United States (verbiage changed to attempt to avoid offense) really going to decide that references about extra-terrestrials attacks on them? Can I protest Devil costumes because of the crack about Mormons having horns?

Sad, really, how political correctness means you're not allowed to have an opinion, preference, or sense of humor anymore.


Joel said...

I demand that you take down this post immediately!

jim said...

Patriotism is a superstition artificially created and maintained
through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man
of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and
conceit. -- Emma Goldman

jim said...

oh - and this

"The pleasure of hating, like a poisonous mineral, eats into the heart of religion, and turns it to rankling
spleen and bigotry; it makes patriotism an excuse for carrying fire, pestilence, and famine into other lands: it
leaves to virtue nothing but the spirit of censoriousness, and a narrow, jealous, inquisitorial watchfulness
over the actions and motives of others." --"The Pleasure of Hating" by William Hazlitt (available at

jim said...

Oh - and one more that the alien costume has been all over the media and several stores have quit selling are your options now on amazon....

probably not the results the crazies would hope for.

Wow - I just spent a few minutes looking at cosutmes on that are in no way politically motivated and now I'm really offended. yuck.
just scroll across the options on the bottom. One is even LABLED "offensive" priest costume.

Jer said...

OK, the patriotism quote is over my head. Not sure what you're trying to say. AMEN on the link to the other costume, though. Why aren't they complaining about THAT one?

JonAli said...

Why do you hate Obama Jer? You are obviously a racist hillbilly who hates education.