    Your occasional dose of cynicism and randomness.

New Blog Title

The new blog title is a quote from a dream I had the other night. A friend and I were being attacked by a group of evil women, and I told him to go on ahead, and I'd take care of them. He asked what made me think I'd survive, and I told him: "I'm an expert on sirens."

I woke up realizing that it was the truest statement I've ever made.. even in my sleep.


Joel said...

I think what we're all wondering is whether or not I got away.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....sirens....and a gun owner....should I be scared??

Jer said...

Wrong kind of siren.

Classical Mythology. one of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, who lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing.
2. a seductively beautiful or charming woman, esp. one who beguiles men: a siren of the silver screen.
3. seductive or tempting, esp. dangerously or harmfully: the siren call of adventure.