    Your occasional dose of cynicism and randomness.

Members Only

Ok, I have to address a rising trend I'm seeing in the blogging world: Invite-only blogs. Blogger has an option where only people you invite are allowed to read your blog. Many of my friends have started doing this, meaning that I have to sign in to get updates.

Why are we doing this. Are you so afraid of letting the world see what you write? Are you so vain that you think your high school stalker might find it and use it to track you down? Are you actually in the Witness Relocation Program?

And don't comment on this giving me crap about spam comments, either. You can turn on comment management so that only the comments you choose actually get posted.

Me, I know that probably 3 or 4 people actually read this thing, and if you're not one of those (semi) regulars, I still don't care.


Jacci Halliday said...

Hi Jer, I know you don't care...but I went private because I don't want the whole freaking world seeing my darling daughters. On another note, you giving blood saturday? See you there!

Joel said...

You're just jealous because you're not invited.

Jer said...

By the way, Steph.. you ever gonna let me see your blog? HMM?

Jacci Halliday said...

if you are good...

Amy said...

Yeah, because how else would I randomly stumble on your blog?